Cognition Intelligence is an ever-growing company in Cyber and TSCM which invests in sophisticated technology that intercepts radio frequencies and surveillance devices used for espionage. Cognition Int is a global provider of total solutions which has excelled in all aspects of its ventures and endeavours working to certification in quality standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
TSCM involves conducting an exhaustive and meticulous physical inspection using electronic surveillance for all covert cameras, telephone transmitters and/or room bugs. All devices that pose a possible security breach in client operations and compromise sensitive personal and business assets are identified and subsequently eliminated.
Cognition Int is underpinned by experience, knowledge and wisdom gained through years of evolving and adapting to the ever-changing world of crime, guaranteeing flexibility, responsiveness and support to our customers’ specific needs. Our broad spectrum of security measures is continually improved and revised according to the latest trends in crime, thus providing reliable solutions to eradicate any form of espionage and acts of terrorism. Moreover, Cognition Int oers the opportunity for clients to purchase sophisticated security equipment that intercepts radio frequencies and spyware devices.
Our modus operandi is also determined by the evolving needs of our clients. No scenario is ever identical to another. Our maxim is that the approach and solution offered to clients should reflect the uniqueness of their company and case in hand.
Theft of information is exceedingly dangerous and can ruin a business, tarnish one’s integrity and ruin an otherwise unblemished reputation. We therefore recommend professional advice and services to fully secure intellectual and proprietary business information by eliminating risks of exposing confidential data that could be used maliciously by third parties with malevolent motives

Our Threefold Approach
TSCM is an acronym originated by the United States Federal Government that stands for Technical Surveillance Counter Measures which denotes the process of bug-sweeping or electronic counter surveillance. Qualified and trained personnel are engaged to conduct a professional evaluation of the area under inspection in order to detect security weaknesses and to ensure that there are no surveillance devices which pose a threat to a company. Communication Security (COMSEC), Information Technology Security (ITS) and physical security play also a major role in today’s technological world aiming towards a safer and secure world! Eavesdropping devices are usually planted in areas where highly sensitive discussions take place such as offices or boardrooms, mobile phones and transport vehicles such as commercial and private vehicles as well as yachts and the like.
Why are these devices planted? Espionage or spying is a way of obtaining confidential or secret information without authorisation from the legitimate holder of said information. Any company aware that information has been leaked would definitely change business strategy in order to safeguard its business’ reputation, integrity and financial sustainability. On the contrary the illegitimate party would make use of information to improve mainly their financial position. Cyber TSCM, a blended counter measure. The use of electronic cyber attacks has massively increased, with many simple attacks being deployed that gather masses of information. 79% of employees take information on leaving without the companies permission. The Cyber TSCM approach is now the only true way to counter an ever growing threat. Cognition Int are one of a handful of Cyber TSCM providers that provide true inhouse expertise in both technical arenas.